Rhyme and Pathos Volume 1A Suggestion of Mythology【電子書籍】[ Ken Peters ]


<p>The basic underlying assertion of RAP , a Psycho mythology of suggestion , is that what was once a Mystery, was nothing more than what we would College. Basically In ancient Hamitic Asia, the unifying belief system was essentially the belief in one universal deity. At some point this simplicity degenerated into national idolatry, and divides humanity into categories of fit and unfit. After the universal deluge , the figure Nimrod seems to figure most prominently. Further Nimrod is still the central figure in the major monotheisms just under the guise of national self idolatry. The simple belief of the man Jesus was that god is one. One god. Israel was a tribe of twelve historically, and the true Israelite is anyone who believes in one god,; all else is national self delusion.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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